If you and your Partner or Pal are looking for a fun night out, you might try the new painting trend that’s all over social media right now – PAINT YOUR PARTNER OR PAL with The Red Easel Arts & Crafts Studio!
The “paint each other” trend is the perfect way to have fun and be creative! But, keep in mind, anyone can do this…the less-than-perfect results are all part of the fun! It’s best if you finish your artwork without peeking too…that way once the paintings are complete, we can have a big reveal moment! All in good fun and we guarantee lots of laughs!!
$55 per pair for 2 10×10 canvases and everything to complete your masterpieces. Sips (wine, beer, soda, water) & snacks included. This is a 21+ event.
To register and reserve your spot, click here: https://square.link/u/S93lFDhO
For more information, contact The Red Easel at 863-271-9506 or HaveFun@TheRedEaselStudio.com.
For more information and upcoming events, visit TheRedEaselStudio.com.