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Mexican Media Visit Sebring Area

Mexican Media Visit Sebring Area

SEBRING, Fla. (Nov. 3, 2021) As part of Visit Sebring’s continued efforts to attract more visitors to the Sebring area, Visit Sebring/the Highlands County Tourist Development Council (TDC) recently partnered with VISIT FLORIDA to host one television journalist and three social media influencers from Mexico. The group visited from October 8-11, 2021.

Combined, the group has nearly 1.9 million followers on Instagram and included the following:

  • Tatiana Serur – @tatserur – 203.3k Instagram followers
  • Carlos Arenas – @carlos_arenastv – 272.5k Instagram followers
  • Alex Tienda – @soyalextienda – 1.4 million Instagram followers
  • Montse Romo – Televisa (TV media)

“Since Mexico is one of the most active countries traveling now, it made sense for us to work with VISIT FLORIDA to help showcase the great places to visit in our area,” said Casey Hartt, Visit Sebring’s Lead Marketing Consultant.  “We were thrilled that VISIT FLORIDA asked us to participate and put together a fun-filled itinerary for the group.”

For this press trip, hotel rooms were provided by Seven Sebring Raceway Hotel. While here, the group was busy taking in local sites and experiences to share with their followers, visiting Highlands Hammock State Park, Wet Dogs Brewing, Morty & Edna’s Craft Kitchen, Cowpoke’s Watering Hole, Sebring International Raceway, Eighteen East Restaurant & Bar, Boomaxe, Chicanes Restaurant, Sebring Soda and Ice Cream Works, Faded Bistro, Turn 2 Brewery, and Sugar Sand Distillery. They also enjoyed an airboat ride along Arbuckle Creek thanks to Airboat Wildlife Adventures and learned to play disc golf at Mosquito Creek Disc Golf Course located at the Max Long Complex.

Promoting local businesses to visiting media and partnering with the state tourism marketing agency VISIT FLORIDA are just some of the ways that Visit Sebring works to promote the destination to travelers, with the aim of increasing revenue for local businesses and the overall economic impact for the area.

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