Adapted from the hit film by its Academy Award-winning screenwriter, the story follows Sam and Molly, a young couple whose bond of love transcends the boundaries of life itself after his untimely death. Trapped between two worlds, Sam refuses to leave Molly when he learns she is in grave danger and uses a storefront psychic to protect her and avenge his death. A poignant romance that builds comedy, suspense, and deeply felt emotion to an ethereal climax.

Cautions: Contains mature themes and adult language.

Credits: Book & Lyrics by Bruce Joel Rubin. Music & Lyrics by Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard. Produced by special arrangement with Theatrical Rights Worldwide.

Dates: June 2 – 18, 2023

Venue: Lakeside Playhouse

Tickets start at $25 Adult, $10 Youth. Group rates 15+ tickets with advance notice.

Times: Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 7:30 pm. Sunday 2:30 pm


Jun 04 2023
2:30 pm


Highlands Lakeside Theatre
356 W Center Ave, Sebring, FL 33870, USA


Highlands Lakeside Theatre
Event website