The Red Easel’s 4th Annual Craft & Fun Fair
December 14
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The Red Easel
155 US Hwy 27 S
Sebring, FL 33870
Free Entry
Start your Holiday shopping early at The Red Easel’s 4th Annual Craft & Fun Fair on Saturday, December 14th from 9am – 3pm! Over 40 local vendors, Kids Create Corner, Toy Drive for Ag Angels, Music, Food! A great way to get into the Christmas spirit!
Free admission!
Located just off Highway 27 at 155 US Hwy 27 S in Sebring. Parking will be in the adjacent lots.
Please reach out to The Red Easel for regarding handicap parking for the event.
For more information, contact The Red Easel at HaveFun@TheRedEaselStudio.com or 863-271-9506.