Robin Hood 2-visit-sebring-fl

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood – FREE Puppet Performance for Children

May 4

Starts at 1:00 PM

South Florida State College
South Florida State College - Highlands Campus

Free Entry


FREE PERFORMANCE for children! See this delightful musical by Bits n Pieces Puppet Theater at the intimate, 250-seat University Center on the campus of South Florida State College.
Showings at 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM on Saturday, May 4.
Action! Adventure! A great story with toe-tapping music based on Howard Pyle’s The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, a classic tale created especially for children. Performed by Master Puppeteer Jerry Bickel with the Bits ‘N Pieces Marionettes.
Bits ‘N Pieces Puppet Theatre is dedicated to influencing the world of tomorrow by enchanting the children of today. Through the theatrical retelling of classic children’s stories, each with its own unique life lesson and moral, Bits ‘N Pieces brings to life the magical wonderment of children’s fantasy and reinforces the core values long told and emphasized by great storytellers.

Recommended for pre-k to 3rd grade children. Get your FREE TICKETS at

After the performance, Artistic Director Jerry Bickel will show you how to perform with marionettes. This performance is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Contact SFSC Arts for more information – 863-784-7178 or