Ozark Throwdown Crappie Fishing Tournament
November 14 ‐ 16, 2024
All Day
Istokpoga Park
127 Istokpoga Park Access Rd
Sebring, FL 33876
November 14 – 16, 2024
Location: Lake Istokpoga at Istokpoga Park Boat Ramp. Ozark Outdoors with 100+ participants.
Weigh-In: 3:00 PM
The Ozark Throwdown starts with anglers arriving in the locale to start pre-fishing 1-3 days in advance of the event. The night before the event all anglers join for dinner and the random drawing of the head to head matches. Each day of the tournament starts at first light and continues to 3pm when all anglers must be off the water for weigh in. The scales open at 3 pm and all anglers weigh in their catches. The 3 days of fishing wrap up with awards ceremony.
Anglers, don’t forget to submit your catches to TrophyCatch! TrophyCatch is a data collecting and promotional program from FWC that provides rewards to encourage anglers to report and live release bass 8 pounds and larger in Florida. Visit TrophyCatchFlorida.com for more information and learn how to submit.