International Museum Day: AMERICA’S FAVORITE PARKS
May 18
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Highlands Hammock State Park
5931 Hammock Rd
Sebring, FL 33872
Free Entry
Highlands Hammock State Park is the home of the State of Florida Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum. In recognition of International Museum Day, CCC Museum curator David Schmidt is scheduled to present a program, ‘Built By the CCC: America’s Favorite Parks.’
In 1921 only 19 states had any state parks. In the 1930s, hundreds of parks were built by ‘CCC boys’ all across America. These thousands of unemployed young men were enrolled in one of President Frank D. Roosevelt’s most successful New Deal Era programs initiated to counter unemployment during the Great Depression.
Schmidt will present a sweeping overview of CCC parks in all 48 states, their legacy in Alaska and Hawaii and why these parks are immediately recognizable as CCC parks due to similarities in construction, design, engineering, materials and unique features.
Although the parks vary by geographical region and may be known for an historic battle, a museum, or a spectacular natural feature, they are all extraordinary and embedded in our national history. Regardless of where you grew up, chances are that your favorite park is a CCC park!
This program is free and open to the public. Park entry fees of $6.00 per vehicle (up to 8 people) and $4.00 per single occupant vehicle are waived after 6 p.m.
For more information, contact Highlands Hammock State Park by email at carla.kappmeyer-sherwin@floridadep.gov or phone at 863-386-6094