Florida Scrub-Jays and Bird Science Presentation
March 17
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Archbold Biological Station
123 Main Drive
Venus, FL 33960
Learn about research at Archbold, see specimens from our restricted natural history collection, and have the chance to ask bird questions to Dr. Sahas Barve!
For 50+ years, Archbold researchers have been studying the only bird species found exclusively in Florida – the Florida Scrub-Jay. The FSJ is internationally known as a model species for understanding birds with family lives; they mate for life, older siblings care for younger siblings, and families stick together to defend 25-acre territories. At this presentation, participants will learn about research at Archbold, see specimens from our restricted natural history collection, and have the chance to ask bird questions to Dr. Sahas Barve, Archbold’s Program Director of Avian Ecology. For children and adults.
Cost: Suggested $5 per person donation (cash or credit)
No RSVP required
For more info: https://archbold-station.org/events/