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Fiesta Weekend Cinco de Mayo Celebration with DJ Panchito and Latin Music artist Juan Bongoe

May 4 ‐ 5, 2024

Starts at 6:30 PM

Azul Tequila Sebring
2521 US Hwy 27 N
Sebring, FL 33870


Join Azul Tequila Sebring in celebrating the vibrant spirit of Cinco de Mayo with music, food, and fiesta all weekend long!
Spice up your Cinco de Mayo with a splash of color, a dash of culture, and a whole lot of fiesta!

Saturday May 4th they will be hosting a Pregame Party featuring DJ Panchito! Enjoy their Full Bar with Drink and Food Specials from 6:30PM – 1:00AM!

On Sunday May 5th, the Cinco de Mayo celebration begins at 11:00AM with Special Menu and Drink Specials!
Don’t miss JUAN BONGOE “EN VIVO” from 4-8PM on the outdoor patio for everyone’s best enjoyment!
For more information, contact Azul Tequila Sebring at 863-471-0156