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Art and Science Lecture: “Wild Visions”

February 15

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Archbold Biological Station
123 Main Drive
Venus, FL 33960

Free Entry


“Wild Visions”: Art lecture exploring differing perspectives on nature as embodied in scientific illustrations, wildlife photography, and traditional abstract art.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but do different art styles tell different kinds of stories? Is there more than one-way of envisioning wildlife? Are some more accurate than others? Can art represent objective truth? Photographer and environmental educator, Dustin Angell will investigate these questions by looking at three kinds of art depicting wildlife. These include scientific species illustrations, like in animal identification books; photographs of wildlife, like Joel Sartore’s Photo Ark; and traditional abstract art, like in Native American and Celtic art. Attend in person or virtually.
Cost: Free!