
American Cornhole League (ACL) Florida State Tournament

June 14 ‐ 16, 2024

All Day

Alan Jay Arena
781 Magnolia Ave
Sebring, FL 33870


Want to try your hand at winning money playing corn hole? The American Cornhole League will host its Florida championship in Sebring, and anyone can win! Come play or watch the corn hole professionals as they compete for the Florida state title plus cash prizes at the Alan Jay Arena.
This tournament is open to all ages and all skill levels, anybody that resides in Florida can play. Players only need an ACL profile which can be created at
Pre-register on the ACL Player App at APP.IPLAYACL.COM
Walk up/Day of registration will incur a $10 extra fee per event, and will close 60 minutes prior to the start time of each event.
No outside food or drinks. Alcohol will be available for purchase, and there will also be food trucks. Bring your own chairs.
For more information visit the Event Facebook Page, or contact event organizer at (940) 577-9777 or