
The imperiled plants of Archbold Biological Station

Did you know that Highlands County has the highest concentration of rare plants in the Southeast? We are home to hidden gems like the Lake Placid Scrub Mint, Scrub Blazing Star, and Wedge-leaved Snakeroot.

To learn more about these and other amazing flowers, come to Florida’s Fabulous Flowers, a public event at Archbold Biological Station with Dr. Aaron David, Program Director of Plant Ecology. Participants will be treated to a 45-minute slide lecture on Archbold’s long-term monitoring projects and then visit the Plant Ecology offices for a behind-the-scenes look at the herbarium. This event is recommended for adults and teens.

No RSVP necessary, but appreciated.

Register HERE

More information and RSVP here: https://www.archbold-station.org/events/flowers/