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“Plants & People” Guided Hike at Archbold Biological Station

April 6

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Archbold Biological Station
123 Main Drive
Venus, FL 33960



Plants & People: Presentation and Guided Hike on Florida Ethnobotany
Plants and people have shared Florida for millennia, living an interconnected history of reciprocal relationships. In this event, participants will learn the stories of culturally important Florida plant species and see them in the wild. We will focus on plants in forestry and agriculture; in medicine, food, and poison; and in legends and history. The event starts with a 45-minute presentation followed by a guided hike through the endangered, and fascinating, Florida scrub habitat. Join us for a morning of lifelong learning. No background in biology or botany is needed. Recommended for Adults.
Participants are encouraged to wear closed-toed shoes or boots, and long pants. Be prepared to hike in loose sugar sand. Parts of the trail may be muddy.
Cost: $20 per person